MySQL Query : SELECT a.* FROM busescom_brand AS a, busescom_brand_data AS d where and a.catid = 161 AND a.state!='停产' and a.brand not in (3371,3372,3373,3466,3482,3484,3485,3486,3488,3535,3536,3537,3538,3539,3542,3587) and a.brand='4221' and a.ptype like '%公交%' and a.lengthregion like '%13米以上%' and a.seatregion like '%41-50座%' and like '%燃料电池%'
MySQL Error : Out of resources when opening file './buses2015/busescom_brand_data.MYD' (Errcode: 24 - Too many open files)
MySQL Errno : 23
Message : Out of resources when opening file './buses2015/busescom_brand_data.MYD' (Errcode: 24 - Too many open files)
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